10 Things to do in Self-isolation

Self-isolation has been proven to be difficult but extremely vital for all of us in these strange times. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the UK and many other countries to go into lockdown, with shops closing and police breaking up gatherings to prevent the spread of the virus. This means that many of us can't see our friends and family or socialise like we are used to. So I came up with a few ideas on how to fill time in quarantine, whether you are self-isolating alone or with other household members.

Starting my Zero Waste Journey

Our environment is in danger and we are the only people who can help it. A lot of the plastic we use in our daily lives will end up in our oceans if we are not careful. However a lot of sustainable products are expensive, especially for students like myself. So I decided to make small investments over time to reduce my own plastic waste and not have a big impact on my budget...

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