Trying out the Curly Girl Method

My hair can be unpredictable; On a good day my curls are luscious and defined but on a bad day my hair is a tangled mess of frizz. On those bad hair days, I have to take on the challenge of taming the frizz by wrestling my locks into knotty braids or a messy bun (and not a effortless, pretty one). When I found out about the "Curly Girl Method" it was like a glimmer of light at the end of a dark, dingy tunnel.

My Zero Waste Journey: Eco-friendly Alternatives you Might Not Have Thought of

A while ago I started looking into ways I can lower my impact on the planet. There are thousands of different ways anyone can reduce their waste and carbon footprint. Despite how it might seem, you don't have to change your entire life to make a difference. Even the smallest changes can make a difference if enough people make them.

How the Lockdown is Affecting Students

As of today, it has been 51 days since the lockdown started in the UK. The days before it was announced were surreal, with an uneasy feeling hanging over our last few lectures as we knew we might not see each other for a while. Coronavirus has had an impact on everyone in different ways and most students are facing unique problems.

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