Taking a Break

It's that chaotic time of year when university deadlines are due and Christmas shopping must be done. With four uni projects to do- three essays and a group project- and only a few weeks to complete them, I've decided to take a temporary break from the blog. After the semester is over and all my work is done, I will come back with fresh ideas and more motivation...

Make do and Mend

When I first stumbled upon The Closet vintage shop, hidden away down a small lane in a part of Aberdeen I had never been to before, I was pleasantly surprised. I was greeted with clothing rails tightly packed with vintage silk gowns, velvet and fur coats, floral embroidered skirts, leather and denim jackets, colourful swing dresses and smart three-piece suits. Delicate pearl necklaces dangled from jewellery hangers placed on top of drawers overflowing with beaded evening bags. Tall glittery 70s go-go boots sat proudly on a shelf next to the window, sparkling under the overhead lights. Hanging from the ceiling, handbags and hats vied for my attention. In the centre of the shop was a circular rail of shirts with every pattern you can think of printed on them. Sitting next to the door, beside a rail of brightly patterned dresses that were waiting patiently to be priced, was Elane, the owner of the shop. She was wearing blue jeans dungarees, a pair of silver high heeled boots with matching fur cuffs, teamed with an acid blue denim jacket and a cream woolly bobble hat on her platinum blonde head. She greeted me with a surprised smile, as if she was shocked to see a customer, and then a jolly "Hello". I've been a regular customer ever since...

My Guide to a Thrifty Christmas

It's approaching that time of year when we all bring our Christmas trees down from the attic and decorate our homes with tinsel, cards and baubles. There are many reasons to start making thrifty Christmases an annual tradition. It's more eco-friendly as it saves items that are in great condition from going to landfill. It can save a lot of money and you are donating to a good cause by buying from charity shops. However, there's a stigma around buying gifts secondhand. Some people think that giving someone a secondhand gift is cheap and insincere. But I disagree. I don't think there's any shame in thrifting for gifts. Christmas can be a difficult time for those with severe budgets so shopping secondhand is a great way to find amazing gifts for a lot less money. Some parents scrape by for months before Christmas so that their children can receive presents from Santa. Gifts should always be appreciated- brand new or not. So, whether you're looking for eco-friendly gifts or you're on a budget, here's my guide to a thrifty Christmas...

Cheap Ways to Help the Environment

Money is often the reason why many people hesitate to buy eco-friendly products and alternatives. Rightfully so; being sustainable sounds great on paper but it can be expensive in practice. Don't have the money to get a micro-plastic filter installed or an £8 jar of plastic-free toothpaste every month? Me neither. Tired of people telling you that you have to spend money to be environmentally friendly? Same here. I've done a little research into ways to reduce my impact on the planet without whittling my savings away and I thought I'd share some of them with you...

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