My Make-up Essentials

With the end of lockdown in sight, I'm preparing for "normal life" again. Since lunch-dates and nights out have been non-existent for the past year, my face has been mainly makeup-free. Obviously, with my placement at BeautyBooker- I do wear make-up to work sometimes (usually if I am going to be in Zoom meetings), but I tend to focus on skin-care. Since I'm a student, my go-to make-up is mostly affordable middle-of-the-road options- no Chanel or Dior here. With "normal" life on the horizon, I thought I'd get back into the habit of looking presentable. Here are the make-up products I find myself reaching for the most and that you should try for post-lockdown life...

My Lockdown Morning Routine

It's always difficult to wake up motivated and ready for work, especially during lockdown. But there are ways to wake yourself up quicker and easier and increase productivity throughout the day. I might not be the most productive person, but I enjoy finding new ways to start my day. So my morning routine is always changing, but the fundamentals stay the same. I like to appreciate my mornings- relishing every second of them and savouring them. That's the best way to enjoy your day- at least, I think so. If you start your day well- the rest of your day should go smoothly...

Eco-friendly Products I love

When joining the eco-friendly movement, zero-waste swaps such as reusables take the forefront. However, there are also general plastic-free products that aren't "swaps" but eco-friendly alternatives. The likes of sustainable cleaning, food, and kitchen products are pushed to the side sometimes. There are plenty of green companies out there. However, sometimes they can be a little bit more expensive. As a student, money isn't the most expendable, so I try to decide whether an eco-friendly product is manageable for me to buy consistently. Zero-waste swaps tend to be one-off purchases (there are a few included in this post) and can save you money in the long run. But I want to focus on non-swaps. This post might be great for beginners or those of you that don't have time to commit to the zero-waste movement...

My Top Tips for Online Thrifting

As most of you will know by now, one of my favourite things in life is secondhand shopping. However, with charity and vintage shops closed- retail therapy isn't much of an option for us thrifters. Thankfully, there are plenty of pre-loved shopping apps and websites on the internet we can use to scratch that shopping itch. I've been using buying and selling websites for three years- although it's not the same as in-person shopping- I know my way around them and love them! But I know that not everyone knows what they're doing when shopping online- especially secondhand. So I've compiled a list of my best tips for you to make the best of online pre-loved shopping during lockdown...

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