My Lockdown Morning Routine

It’s always difficult to wake up motivated and ready for work, especially during lockdown. But there are ways to wake yourself up quicker and easier and increase productivity throughout the day. I might not be the most productive person, but I enjoy finding new ways to start my day. So my morning routine is always changing, but the fundamentals stay the same. I like to appreciate my mornings- relishing every second of them and savouring them. That’s the best way to enjoy your day- at least, I think so. If you start your day well- the rest of your day should go smoothly.

My bed, all made up in the morning.

I stand by the fact that I am a morning person, once I finally get out of bed. I start my day at 7 am- when my (first) alarm goes off. Usually, I tell my Alexa Dot to shut up, roll over and go straight back to sleep. But occasionally, if I have a lot to do that day, I’ll force myself to get up. Most of the time, I get out of bed after my second alarm at 8 am. I like to keep this flexible anyway because I sometimes feel less motivated when I force myself to wake up. From there, I make my bed as soon as I get up (this makes me feel productive since- even though it’s a small task- it’s checked off my to-do list) and make my way through to the kitchen to have a glass of water. Drinking water first thing in the morning helps me wake up and feel refreshed after a night of sleeping. As well as that, it’s essential to stay hydrated. So, what better way to start the day?

I spoke about my skincare routine in my “Getting my Life Together” post, and it hasn’t changed much since then. First, I double-cleanse with Sukin sensitive cleansing gel. Then I use a reusable cotton pad to apply a generous amount of Simple soothing toner to my face. Eye cream has become an essential of mine during lockdown- I have almost permanent sagging bags under my eyes from consistently looking at screens. I spread a thin layer of Astral moisturiser and Avon SPF30 day cream on my face and neck to prepare my skin for the day ahead. Having a good skincare routine is essential. Maintaining soft skin helps me feel healthy and confident. Gone are the days of feeling self-conscious while walking down Union Street with no makeup.

The outfit, clothing and accessories I chose for the day.

I think clothes can affect your day a lot. Although I’ve grown to love my jogging bottoms throughout lockdown- dressing up can help you feel productive sometimes. If I’m in a bit of a rut, I’ll get well-dressed for the day- no joggies (or sweatpants) allowed. It makes me feel put together and more energetic. Clothes can make a difference to your workday and affect your mindset- I’ve talked about this before in my “Tips for Studying at Home” blog post. I like to choose my outfit in the morning, even though it can take some time. If I’m going to be in meetings that day, I’ll set out my outfit the night before. But I like outfit planning in the morning because I can plan around how I’m feeling and what I know I’ll be doing that day.

Many people- my boyfriend included- don’t eat breakfast in the morning. It honestly baffles me how they can function without it. I love breakfast- it has to be my favourite meal of the day. When I have time, I’ll make pancakes, but most mornings, I’ll have a bowl of Quakers porridge or Weetabix and a cup of tea. Especially in the colder months (which is most months here in Aberdeen), I revel in having a hot breakfast to warm me up in the morning. Generally, I use warm milk with my Weetabix in the morning and add a tiny bit of sugar to sweeten it a little. My favourite porridge flavours are the golden syrup and chocolate flavour (I like to add a little bit of Sweet Freedom Choc Shot to make it even better). A good breakfast can sometimes be the highlight of my day.

Ryan and I have started watching Pokémon while having breakfast (or, in Ryan’s case, coffee) in the morning. After all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so we should savour it- not rush it. It gives us some time to wake up before starting work. It’s ideal for me- I tend to do placement work throughout the day, then writing for the blog at night. Allowing myself time to wake up slowly and gradually leads to a more productive day- I feel refreshed and ready to willingly start working, rather than forcing myself.

More than anything, I try to avoid watching or looking at the news first thing in the morning. As much as it’s important to stay up to date with what’s happening in the world (especially as a journalism student)- it’s not the first thing I want to see when I wake up. In times like this, it’s okay to block out the outside world a little since every headline seems to cause more stress and anxiety. Watching Pokémon- or anything else for that matter- is a little bit of escapism from what’s happening in real life. There’s nothing wrong with that. Looking at the news as soon as I wake up puts a bit of a dampener on my day. I leave this until I’m having lunch, so I don’t immediately associate the day I’m having with the bad news- whether it’s Covid or not.

Winding down at night before going to bed is essential; winding up for the day ahead of you isn’t talked about much, but I think it’s equally important. Preparing for your day can make a big difference in your productivity and mood. I find that after taking my time to wake up in the morning (within reason, I don’t let myself sleep in until 3 pm), I feel a lot happier and less tired than if I force myself out of bed. Although I’m not your average “morning person”, I like to think I am one. I don’t think you have to love waking up to watch the sunrise to be a morning person; I just think you have to enjoy your mornings and wake up the right way .

Thanks for reading x

Photography: Ryan Duff

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