Whering: Clueless-ifying my wardrobe

Have you seen the 90s classic movie Clueless? What do you remember most about it?

The clever modernisation of Jane Austen’s masterpiece Emma? Or the “you’re a virgin who can’t drive” scene? What about main character Cher’s step-brother love interest?

Above all, the first thing that crosses my mind is the movie’s gorgeous costuming.

Questionable taste in men aside, Cher’s taste in clothing is top-notch. From her iconic yellow plaid skirt suit to her beautiful red Alaïa dress, she certainly knows how to dress to impress.

Throughout the movie, she has plenty of fashion tools at her disposal, one of which is a computer program that allows her to create different clothing combinations without needing to try anything on.

This was probably a ridiculous idea at the time, considering the computers people had during the 90s (if you want a preview/reminder of what the internet looked like back then, the Space Jam website is miraculously still alive and kicking).

But now – with the technology we have today – an app has been created that allows you to live out your Clueless dreams and have your very own computerised closet.

Introducing Whering

Whering is a digital wardrobe application that allows you to plan and document outfits using pieces from your own closet. Since I’m a massive fashion-nerd, obviously I had to download it.

Whering's "Dress me" feature. It's chosen a blue and pink floral top, white wide leg jeans and pink loafers.
Whering’s outfit generator with pieces from my wardrobe.

I had a vision of a professional-looking digital wardrobe. I started painstakingly searching for shop-listings of my everyday basics. Some were easy to find since the listings still existed.

Others, like my vintage jeans (hand-me-downs from my mum) were incredibly difficult to track down.

I ended up giving up and resorted to taking my own photos or finding images of very similar items.

Overall – since I’ve been digitizing here and there – my experience has been great. I’ve been adding to my wardrobe while watching TV, having lunch or waiting for my tea to brew. It’s an intimidating task but simple when broken down like this.

For me, every minute has been worth it. I spend a lot of time thinking about how to get the most out of my clothes, and this app gives me plenty of AI-generated suggestions. Some of these are rather questionable but they serve as a brilliant canvas to work from.

Digital wardrobe perfect for fashion-nerds like me

You can log your clothes every day and see stats on how much of your closet you actually use, what items you wear the most and how much of it is preloved.

A chart reading:
4% Handmade
38% New
58% Preloved
My digital wardrobe (so far) in a nutshell.

My numbers aren’t completely accurate since I’m missing a good chunk of my wardrobe and I’ve only been documenting for a short time, but it’s still interesting to keep an eye on. So far I’ve uploaded 137 items – and I know there’s more to add.

A May-June 2023 calendar with outfits assigned to each day.
My calendar planner after a month of use.

It’ll be useful to see what pieces I’m not wearing much in the long term. It’s also fascinating to see what outfits I wear most often and how my style varies day-to-day.

Most of all, the app is amazing for planning outfits for events, for my blog and just for fun. Occasionally I find myself playing around with different combinations and adding a fun twist to some of my favourite clothing combinations.

Would you consider creating a digital wardrobe? Do you think this tool is handy- or excessive? Or do you think a digital wardrobe is an AI step too far? Let me know in the comments.

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