How the Lockdown is Affecting Students

As of today, it has been 51 days since the lockdown started in the UK. The days before it was announced were surreal, with an uneasy feeling hanging over our last few lectures as we knew we might not see each other for a while. Coronavirus has had an impact on everyone in different ways and most students are facing unique problems.

10 Things to do in Self-isolation

Self-isolation has been proven to be difficult but extremely vital for all of us in these strange times. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the UK and many other countries to go into lockdown, with shops closing and police breaking up gatherings to prevent the spread of the virus. This means that many of us can't see our friends and family or socialise like we are used to. So I came up with a few ideas on how to fill time in quarantine, whether you are self-isolating alone or with other household members.

Starting my Zero Waste Journey

Our environment is in danger and we are the only people who can help it. A lot of the plastic we use in our daily lives will end up in our oceans if we are not careful. However a lot of sustainable products are expensive, especially for students like myself. So I decided to make small investments over time to reduce my own plastic waste and not have a big impact on my budget...

My First Fashion Show

As a part of Aberdeen Fashion week, a runway was held in partnership with Fashion United and Fashion Art and Media Awards last Saturday in the Douglas Hotel. This was my first time attending a fashion show, here's how it went...

Time-saving and Space-saving Fashion Tips and Tricks

One thing I really struggled with when I first moved into student accommodation was having enough storage space for my clothes, shoes and accessories. Time is also a bit of a problem for me as I am always oversleeping and running slightly late- I don't always have time to plan out my outfit or put effort into my hair and make up. So- in an attempt to solve some of these problems- I have come up with this short list of tips and tricks to save time and space in your home.

Be Adventurous: Pastel Goth

A big part of fashion is experimenting with and exploring different styles. Being trendy and up to date with current fashion is great but creating your own style and wearing clothes you like (even though it might be out of fashion) is also important. I've decided to make a series of posts about exploring different types of styles that I have found and seen. In this post I try to pull of the pastel goth look.

Be Thrifty

As a student one of my main concerns in everyday life is how much I am spending. Money consumes so much of my thoughts, it holds me back from doing (and buying) so much. But one thing I don't let it completely corrupt is my wardrobe.

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