All Greek to me: Thrifty in Rhodes

This time of year is quiet in Rhodes. Tourists are few and far between, locals are wrapped up in scarves and coats for the winter temperatures (it was 18°C for most of the week - nice and hot for us) and most of the businesses in the Old Town are closed and preparing for the tourist season...

Proposing The Thrifty Mango Book Club

for it. Unfortunately, I'm a slow reader and find myself leaning more towards other forms of media. But I have always enjoyed the books I've read- especially in my teenage years. I remember coming home from school and running upstairs to my room to curl up on my bed with my newest read. There were days I would be immersed in a novel until the early hours of the morning. As I've mentioned in my "6 Rainy Afternoon Reads" blog post, I want to fall in love with reading again and I think I have an idea of how to do this...

7 Ways to Maintain Motivation

Have you ever gotten a random burst of motivation but end up burning yourself out? Or have you found yourself in a slump with no inspiration whatsoever? So have I. I experience "writer's block" often and have learned to live with that and make the most of the times that I am feeling productive. Having productivity slumps is natural, and nobody should feel ashamed for having one. But when I am feeling productive, I like to ensure I make the most of it and make it last as long as possible. Here are my top tips for staying productive and maintaining motivation...

A Post-Lockdown 21st

Turning 21 is surreal enough at the best of times. I'm now officially an adult- even though everyone insists I'm still young and can get away with doing stupid stuff. Your 21st birthday is your last "big" birthday. There's not much you can't do after you're 21. So, many people go all out on their 21st, throwing huge parties to celebrate their crossover to adulthood. But over the past year and a half, most of us couldn't do that. I was fortunate enough to celebrate my 21st with my friends, but feel bad for those who were stuck inside for their birthday...

Podcasts I’ve Been Listening to- Maybe You Should too

Podcasts have grown in popularity in recent years, especially during lockdown. Podcasts are often informal and conversational audio shows that usually concentrate on a niche audience. They have risen in popularity due to their casual and authentic nature. As well as that, they're easy to slip into any busy life and routine. They're perfect for listening to while going about your day; I listen to them while cleaning and doing laundry. But many people listen to podcasts while exercising or working since they provide good background noise while also informing and entertaining. On that note, here are some of my favourite podcasts that I've been enjoying recently...

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